International News

Nigeria’s Arik resumes flights after truce with unions

LAGOS, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – Nigeria’s Arik airline
has resumed flights following a deal to end a one-day strike that paralysed its operation, the company said on Wednesday.
Aviation unions called the strike on Tuesday to protest non-payment
of seven months of salaries to Arik workers, non-remittance of taxes and the
sacking of five union leaders.
Thousands of local and foreign passengers were stranded due to the
Arik said in a statement on Wednesday that the dispute had been
resolved “following the meeting called by the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) to address the airline and the aviation unions.”
The airline said it had provided bigger planes to cope with the
backlog of passengers whose flights were affected by the strike.
Union leader Tokuboh Korodo told AFP the strike had been suspended.
“We met the management of Arik last night and they agreed to pay the
arrears of salaries by December 31,” Korodo said.
He said the airline also agreed to recall the five union leaders that
were sacked.
“If Arik refuses to honour the deal by December 31, we will resume
the strike,” he warned.
Arik, Nigeria’s leading carrier, is responsible for 60 percent of
flights with an international network that includes Johannesburg and New York.