International News

Trump ‘needs to learn how to cry’ from Obama

PARIS, MILLAT+(APP/AFP) – Donald Trump has one big
lesson to learn from outgoing US President Barack Obama — he needs to learn to be cool about crying.
“If he could squeeze one tear out during his inauguration” on Friday,
“people will turn around quite quickly their feelings towards him”, British
behavioural expert Judi James told AFP.
“Clearly he is going to go swanning out there with his alpha male
feathers strutting, but if at the right moment he could squeeze out a tear it would have an amazing effect on people,” said the author of “The Body Language Bible”.
“I think there is quite an emotional guy in there somewhere,” said
Showing his emotions certainly worked for Obama, James argued.
The president has wept at least 10 times on camera since he took
office, most tellingly when tears poured down his cheeks last year when he talked about the toll gun violence was taking on America.
He wiped away another few earlier this month when paying tribute to
his wife Michelle and his teenage daughters in a farewell speech in Chicago.
Tears are one of the most powerful weapons politicians have in their
arsenals, James insisted.
And for Trump, “crying would be ideal” to allay the worries of a
world fretting about what his presidency will hold, she said.
“I think so many people are depending on Trump now that unmasking
himself as quite a warm, well-meaning character with values that he has been hiding all this time” would go a long way.
For her, Obama’s tears helped show his sincerity, connected him with
the public and undercut his reputation as an intellectual.