International News

Pakistan can maintain high growth rate with current policies

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT+APP): President, Pakistan Economy Watch
Dr. Murtaza Mughal Friday said that Pakistan could maintain high
growth rates in the coming years with continuation of current
Talking to Radio Pakistan, he said that Pakistan was now
in a better fiscal position and certainly out of economic
Pakistan is an ideal place of investment for the investors
as it is situated at an important geographical location, he
Murtaza Mughal said some anti-development elements wanted to
destabilize economic development of the country through
unconstitutional sit-ins and protests.
All the political parties need to support the government to
improve the economy of the country, he opined.
He said the GDP and law and order had improved in the country and added the government should have to take certain measures to provide jobs to the educated youth who prefer to go abroad because of unemployment in the country.