International News

Violence mars anti-Trump protests in Washington

WASHINGTON, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – Masked, black-clad
protesters carrying anarchist flags smashed windows, lit fires
and scuffled with riot police Friday in downtown Washington,
blocks from the parade in honor of newly sworn-in President
Donald Trump.
Washington police arrested at least 217 people for acts
of vandalism committed on the fringe of peaceful citywide
demonstrations against Trump’s inauguration.
Just before the parade started, clashes broke out between
400 to 500 stone-throwing protesters and riot police, who responded
with tear gas — the second violent flare-up in the space of
a few hours.
As Trump’s motorcade wound its way up Pennsylvania Avenue
in the parade to the White House, protesters just a few blocks
away set a parked limousine on fire after smashing its windows.
An AFP reporter saw National Guardsmen donning helmets
and bullet-proof vests, as protesters blocked traffic and set
trash cans ablaze — chanting “Not my president” and “We
resist President Trump.”
City police chief Peter Newsham said at least 217 people
were arrested and would be held overnight before appearing in
front of a judge.
“The charge is rioting,” he told reporters.