International News

Trump teases tax reform within ‘weeks’

WASHINGTON, (Millat + APP/AFP) – US President
Donald Trump suggested that corporate tax reform could come within “weeks” Thursday, teasing a policy that could have significant implications for trade and the economy.
Trump said that he would roll out ideas aimed at “lowering the overall tax burden of American businesses.”
“Over the next two or three weeks,” he said, there would be an announcement that would be “phenomenal in terms of tax.”
Republicans in Congress have been mulling a package of corporate tax cuts that would be paid for by higher import tariffs.
Experts say the tariffs risk sparking retaliatory measures from trading partners in Europe and beyond.
“We’re facing competition from abroad because of our tax code,” said White House spokesman Sean Spicer.
“It favors companies from not wanting to stay and the president recognizes that,” he said.
“What he wants to do is create a tax climate that not only keeps jobs here but incentivizes companies to want to come here, to grow here to create jobs here. To bring their profits back here.”