National News

Going to work on an egg can cut stroke risk

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT/APP): Eating an egg for breakfast could
cut the risk of suffering a stroke, according to a new study.
Scientists looked at research conducted over more than 30
years and involving nearly 300,000 participants and found that
consuming one egg a day reduced the risk of a stroke by 12 per
cent, reported BBC health.
The study also found that there was no association between
eating an egg and coronary heart disease rather they are also an
excellent source of protein, which has been related to lower blood
Study principal ivestigator Dr Dominik Alexander, said:
“Eggs do have many positive nutritional attributes, including
antioxidants, which have been shown to reduce oxidative stress and
“They are also an excellent source of protein, which has
been related to lower blood pressure.”
A 1950s campaign told Britons to “Go to Work on an Egg”, but
subsequent research linked eggs with cardiovascular disease and
stroke. However, more recent studies have suggested that the idea
they increase cholesterol levels is a myth.
One large egg has six grams of high-quality protein and
antioxidants, found within the egg yolk, as well as vitamins E, D,
and A.
Dr Alexander’s research lends further support to changes in
the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which have eliminated
dietary cholesterol limits, and now include regular consumption of
eggs among lean protein choices.
It also builds on a 2015 analysis in which dietary
cholesterol was shown to have no association with cardiovascular
diseases, including coronary artery disease and stroke.