National News

Chairman NAB approves training programs for year 2017

ISLAMABAD, Mar 4 (APP): Qamar Zaman Chaudhry, Chairman
National Accountability Bureau (NAB) on Saturday approved the
training Programme for the year 2017.
The NAB Chairman approved this while chairing a meeting
to review progress of Training of Trainers (TOT) two-week workshop
held for NAB Investigation Officers and Prosecutors at NAB Headquarter
which will now impart training to their respective Regional Bureaus,
according to a press release.
During the meeting, Director General (DG) Training and
Research (T&R) informed the Chairman that during 2017, NAB has
planned 7 Capacity Building Courses, 04 Staff Development Courses
for officials will continue and IT training and understanding of
Monitoring and Evaluation System (MES) have been added this year.
During the meeting, DG (T&R) informed that a two-week
Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop was conducted at NAB HQ
for 18 Investigation Officers and 7 Prosecutors of different
Regional Bureaus. After the training, an assessment written test
was also conducted, the DG informed.
He informed that in 2016, 4 refresher courses of two-week
duration for IOs/COs were conducted in which 529 Investigation
Officers/Case Officers attended.
He informed that two refresher courses for Prosecutors were
conducted of two-week duration in which 67 Prosecutors attended
in 2016.
The DG informed that three Inter-Regional Trainings were
conducted in 2016 of one week duration in which 87 officers/IOs/COs
attended the training.
He further informed that six Capacity Building Courses for
officers/Investigation Officers/Case Officers were conducted of
two days duration in 2016 and 28 in Land Training Courses were
availed in collaboration with Foreign Agencies i.e. Australian
Federal Police, British High Commission, Asian Development Bank,
ICITAP & OPDAT and UNODC during 2016. 125 NAB officers from
Regional NAB’s attended these training courses in 2016.
The DG further informed that 21 Training Courses were
offered by the Academies of other law enforcement agencies,
government departments and were availed in 2016 in which 62
NAB officers/Investigation Officers/Case Officers attended.
He informed that besides training of NAB Investigation
Officers/Prosecutors, NAB availed 42 training for its Secretaries,
Managerial and Administrative staff from local Training Institutes
like Secretariat Training Institute, Islamabad and Pakistan Manpower
Institute etc in which 87 officials participated.
The DG T&R Division informed that Training Programme for
the year 2017 has been prepared in the light of regional feedback
and input of experts from other law enforcing agencies by T&R
Division, which was presented for consideration and approval
of the competent authority.
He informed that Course Contents have been revised/improved
and Investigation Officer’s Refresher Courses are planned and will
continue to be of 2 weeks on part time basis to ensure 100%
participation and to minimize disturbance in routine activities of
Investigation Officers.
Qamar Zaman Chaudhry, Chairman NAB said Burue gave top
priority for capacity building of its Investigation officers
(IOs) and, Prosecutors on modern lines.
He said that NAB is an apex anti corruption organization of
the country which has assigned gigantic task of eradication of
corruption from the country.
He said that this requires an extremely dedicated and highly
trained manpower to undertake this responsibility.
He said that NAB attaches great importance to its Human
Resource Development. Accordingly, a comprehensive yearly Training
Plan for 2017 has been devised to ensure continued professional
development of its officers/officials and Prosecutors.
In order to ensure successful implementation of the Training
Plan, it is equally important that trainers are fully capable and
geared up to undertake this responsibility.
He said Training Cells created at all Regional levels are
primarily responsible to liaise and carry out the planned activities
in their respective Regional Bureaus.
Therefore, the Training of Trainers (ToT) program at NAB
Headquarters was organized by the T&R Division NAB at NAB
The Chairman NAB Qamar Zaman Chaudhry said that NAB gives top
priority to the training of its Investigation officers/ Prosecutors.
This all will add up in the overall performance of NAB, he added.
The Chairman NAB directed DG (T&R) to implement Training plan
for 2017 in letter and spirit.
He said that training is a continuous process which is an
important and serious aspect in the capacity building of NAB
Investigation Officers/Officials and Prosecutors and the
cutting-edge of effective job performance.
He said that training is an instrument through which human
capabilities are developed for enhancing practical and productive
The Chairman NAB said that NAB is committed to eradicate
corruption and corrupt practices from the country and bring the
guilty to book according to the law. An effective execution of
this mandate necessities professional competence of NAB’s
human resource continuously.
The Chairman NAB said that NAB recognizes the centrality of
training as a tool of improvement and maintaining the quality of its
manpower. He said that a standardized syllabus for all investigation
officers, refresher and capacity building courses on Accounts
matters, General Financial Rules, FR, SR, Digital Forensic Question
Documents and Finger Print Analysis has been formulated by NAB to
ensure quality and uniformity.
It will help NAB in achieving standard application of SOPs,
Laws and rules.
The performance objectives of training programs will also be
continuously evaluated so as to form a basis for subsequent review
and improvements in future training needs.
He said that incoming Investigation Officers will be trained
on modern lines.
The course contents have been designed and a standardized
syllabus for all investigation officers/prosecutors for their
capacity building courses are being formulated to ensure quality and
uniformity which will help NAB in achieving standard application of