National News

Committee formed to probe murder of labour

HYDERABAD, (APP): SSP Jamshoro Capt (Rtd) Tariq Wilayat Tuesday
said that an inquiry committee has been formed to probe killing of a factory labour in Kotri SITE area during a labour protest for payment of wages the other day.
He said DC Jamshoro, Munawar Ali Mahesar and he himself were the
members of committee.
“We will investigate as to who opened fire on the labours and ordered
the baton charge,” he said.
According to the SSP, the committee would determine whether the police
or mill’s guards opened fire on the protesting labours which killed labour Abdul Latif Brohi.
The SSP informed that FIR has been lodged on the complaint of Brohi’s
brother Hanif Brohi.
According to the details of FIR, 9 persons including policemen and mill
management had been nominated under sections 114, 147, 148, 149 and 302 of CrPC.
Meanwhile, the labours and local political leaders have warned of
resorting to stage sit-in on the highway if the suspects nominated in the FIR were not arrested within 24 hours.
The incident was happened on March 7 in Kotri SITE area where the
labours were protesting against the mill’s management for payment of the wages.