National News

Int’l Environment day to be marked on June 5

ISLAMABAD, May 29 (APP): International Environment day will be marked on June 5 (Monday) across the globe including Pakistan with the theme `Connect with Nature’ celebrating the day by going to a park or heading to the beach and taking forward the call to protect the Earth that we share.
World Environment Day the biggest annual event for positive environmental action and takes place every year on June 5, with this year’s host country Canada at the centre of celebrations around the planet.
World Environment Day for everyone, everywhere: whether you live in a city or the countryside, in the developed or developing world, in the invigorating chill of cold regions or the sultry heat of the tropics.
Since it began in 1972, global citizens have organised many thousands of events, from neighbourhood clean-ups, to action against the illegal trade in wildlife, to replanting forests.
“We can enjoy nature year-round, but World Environment Day is when the
whole world comes together to celebrate our beautiful planet,” said Erik Solheim, the head of UN Environment.
“It reminds us of what a treasure nature is, and encourages us all to
protect and appreciate our environment.”
Starting today, UN Environment and the Government of Canada are calling on citizens all over the world to think about how we depend on nature, and to find fun and exciting ways to experience and cherish that vital relationship.
UN Environment, for instance, will soon begin testing your knowledge and raising your appreciation of a healthy environment with competitions and online quizzes and provide a whole menu of ideas to help you celebrate the day.
In the age of asphalt and smartphones and among the distractions of modern life, connections with nature can be fleeting. But with your help, World Environment Day can make clearer than ever that we need harmony between humanity and nature so that both are able to thrive.