National News

Eating fried foods tied to increased risk of diabetes, heart disease

ISLAMABAD, Aug 8 (APP): People who eat a lot of fried foods
may have a higher risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease,
according to a large, long-term study.
Led by Leah Cahill, research fellow in the Department of
Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), and An Pan of
the National University of Singapore’s Saw Swee Hock School of
Public Health, the researchers examined data from more than
100,000 men and women over about 25 years, Health news reported.
They found that people who ate fried food at least once per
week had a greater risk of both type 2 diabetes and heart disease,
and that the risk increased as the frequency of fried food
consumption increased.
For instance, participants who ate fried foods 4-6 times
per week had a 39% increased risk of type 2 diabetes, and those
who ate fried foods 7 or more times per week had a 55% increased
risk, compared with those who ate fried foods less than once per
Eating fried foods away from home-where frying oil may not
be fresh-posed the greatest risk, Cahill said.
With each reuse, oil becomes more degraded, and more gets
absorbed into food, which can contribute to weight gain, higher
cholesterol, and higher blood pressure-all risk factors for type 2
diabetes and heart disease.
“Our study is really a first take, and we need to know more
before we can say what’s safe,” she said.
She added in an interview, “Because there is not enough
research to date to clearly confirm that one type of oil is best
to use for frying, it is probably wisest to alternate a variety of
oils to provide you with a mix of fatty acids-much the way you
would eat a variety of vegetables or fruits rather than just
choosing one.”