National News

The prime minister said Pakistan wanted good neighbourly relations with all its neighbours,

The prime minister said Pakistan wanted good neighbourly
relations with all its neighbours, including India and
Afghanistan. Bilateral ties should be based upon mutual
respect, he added.
He said Pakistan would not be intimidated by anyone as
it knew how to defend itself.
Pakistan had offered immense sacrifices in the war
against terrorism and its economy had suffered hugely, he
He said at the international level, Pakistan had a
strong case and its position was acknowledged by the
international community.
The prime minister to a query justified his cabinet size
and said the constitutional limit foe a cabinet was 49 members.
There were about 43 divisions and each required a minister for
its smooth functioning, he said and stressed that for running
the government affairs in a better manner, sometimes
enhanced numbers of minister were required.
To a question, he said criticism was an easy job, but as
a ruling party, they had to run affairs of the country in an
efficient manner.
Members of the cabinet were selected from the ruling
party and their qualifications and capacities were also given
due heed in the selection process, he added.
To another question, the prime minister said it was the
strength of the democratic system that after July 28, within
four days, new cabinet took oath.
He said the continuity in the democratic system was its
strength. There were no fissures in the party.
About the issue of Ayesha Gulalai, the prime minister
said he had never witnessed such precedent in the parliament’s
He insisted that it should be resolved in the parliament
and not on roads or TV talkshows.
The prime minister said in Gulalai’s case, a member of
the House had levelled allegations against another member,
therefore, in the midst of volatile atmosphere he had called
for formation of an assembly committee over the issue.
Expressing his satisfaction, he said the whole house
consented for it, even the PTI also agreed to it.
To the claims of Ayesha Ahad, the prime minister said
her issue did not fall within the domain of parliament and
there were other forums for such issues.
About the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA)
reforms, he emphasised upon developing of complete consensus.
The FATA people should get their rights, he said, adding
that consensus was pre-requisite and reassured his efforts in
this regard.
The prime minister clarified that he had not issued any
special instruction for the security and facilitation of
former prime minister Nawaz Sharif.
As a former prime minister, he had the right to move and
go to his house under the privileges as enjoyed by the former
chief executives of the country, he added.
About LNG allegations levelled by his political foes,
the prime minister reiterated that they were free to level
allegations and he would defend himself at all fora.
He said they had no fears whatsoever from the false
allegations and referred to the rants of Sheikh Rashid Ahmed
by saying that it did not merit a response.
The prime minister said that after his family entered
into politics during 1984, their assets had decreased.
The international community acknowledged the
government’s LNG policy and its successful implementation
efforts as the previous regimes had failed to introduce this
cheap fuel, he added.