National News

Articles 62, 63 require parliament’s review: PM

ISLAMABAD, Aug 7 (APP): Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan
Abbasi Monday said he wanted the parliament to examine
the issue of Articles 62 and 63 of the Constitution.
He said he would hold consultations with other
political parties over the issue, which had been
lingering on for a quite long time.
The issue, he said, came up whenever a constitutional
amendment was brought forth. He wanted the parliament to
examine it as there were a lot of ambiguities in its
implementation with ample twists.
“A clarity is required on the issue. The House has to
examine it,” he said in his an interview with Aaj News talk
show “Spotlight with Munizae Jahangir”.
The prime minister underlined the need for developing a
consensus among the political parties over the issue and said
he had already witnessed unity in opinion of different
“I will approach parties to get clarity over its usage,”
he maintained.
The prime minister referring to the ambiguities in the
constitutional articles also expressed his wonder that even a
person who failed to declare an account by mistake could be in
He cited the disqualification of former prime minister
Muhammad Nawaz Sharif by saying that the aforementioned article
was invoked for not withdrawing salary from his son’s company.
The Constitution was a living document and it could be
amended in view of the changing scenarios, he added.
This was the maiden appearance of the newly-elected
Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi in any TV talk show after
he assumed the office on August 1, after the disqualification
of Muhammad Nawaz Sharif by the Supreme Court.
Article 62 deals with qualifications for the membership
of Parliament whereas Article 63 envisages disqualification
clauses for a member of the parliament.
The prime minister also stressed upon developing a
political consensus among all the stakeholders.
The charter of democracy should be revived by including
all the political parties as it was needed by the country, he
said and expressed the optimism that it could be reached prior
to the next general elections.
The prime minister said the PTI should also join it if
it considered itself a national party.
He said he would hold the prime ministerial office as
long as his parliamentary party desired so and would revert
to his old position if decided otherwise.
“Nawaz Sharif is still our prime minister. We will
continue his policies,” Prime Minister Abbasi said.
To a question, the prime minister said support by the
Muttahida Qaumi Movement Pakistan (MQM) during his election to
the PM office was not a part of any political bargain.
He said the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) had
approached all the political parties for winning their support
except Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). They heard concerns of
the MQM and allayed them. It was our responsibility to address
issues of the people of Karachi, he added.
He said the economic stability of Pakistan was linked
with peace in Karachi and the PML-N had made unprecedented
efforts to restore law and order in the port city and referred
to the launch of first mass transit scheme.