National News

5.2 million BISP beneficiaries divided into 45,000 committees: Marvi Memon

ISLAMABAD, (APP): Chairperson Benazir Income Support Programme
Marvi Memon has said that BISP has divided five point two million
beneficiaries into forty five thousand Beneficiary Committees across the
According to Radio Pakistan, She said BISP Beneficiary Committees
video messages on women empowerment are one of the signs of the woman revolution taking place in Pakistan.
The Chairperson said that BISP was working to protect women’s rights
and make them stronger financially so that they could support their families in an effective manner.
She was of the views that imparting education to women and children
was need of the hour ,adding that more attention would be given for promotion of girls’ education.
She thanked Prime Minister and Finance Minister for their vision