National News

Kashmiri people would continue peaceful struggle: APHC

ISLAMABAD, (APP): The All Parties Hurriyat Conference has said
that the Kashmiri people would continue peaceful struggle for securing their
right to self-determination.
The APHC at a meeting of its advisory council held in (Indian Occupied
Kashmir) Srinagar with Ghulam Nabi Sumjhi in chair, said, “People of Kashmir will continue their struggle till the achievement of their goal,reported Kashmir Media Service.
They will not succumb to any pressure tactics being employed by Delhi
to crush the ongoing struggle for right to self-determination. Now voices are being raised even inside India in support of Kashmiris’ freedom movement.”
The meeting praised the courage and firm determination of illegally
detained leaders including Shabbir Ahmad Shah, Masarrat Aalam Butt and others. They demanded their immediate release.
The members offered special prayers for speedy recovery of Hurriyat
Chairman, Syed Ali Shah Gilani.