National News

Supremacy of Parliament must to meet challenges: Rabbani

ISLAMABAD, (APP): Chairman Senate Mian Raza Rabbani on
Monday underlined the need for taking solid measures to ensure rule
of Law and supremacy of Parliament for tackling challenges,
Addressing a conference held here to pay tribute to women
parliamentarians as part of International Women Day’s events by Free
and Fair Election Network(FAFEN) and Trust for Democratic Education
and Accountability(TDEA), Mian Raza Rabbani said mere transferring
of power from government to other was not enough, rather there was
a need to ensure continuation of democratic process to meet
challenges the country was facing.
In this regard, he said civil society had to speak out and its
voices needed to be heard to keep the democratic process going for
strengthening parliament.
He said dictators dealt a fatal blow to the democratic
continuation in the country and during Zia era, by design, ban was
imposed on student and trade unions and the liberation movements
were mutilated.
As a result religious bigotry and extremis flourished with a
mind-set to pull strings and undermine the Parliament.
On the other hand, he added Jihadi forces were allowed to hold
conferences and meetings which created space for militancy and the
country was still facing its fallout in different shapes, he
Owing to supporting one side, pro-extremist movements got
nourished and today well-educated students of good-reputed
educational institutions harbored such extremist thoughts and showed
inclination towards such movements.
Moreover, Parliament had to justify its existence as to why it
was necessary to have it in the country despite the fact other
institutions explained about their utility such as how and where
they spent budget or funds etc.
He said article 6, was meant to defend and protect the
Constitution, but unfortunately the article failed to defend.
As a result, Parliament had to enact 18th Amendment to wider
its scope and ensure equality of Law.
Suggesting a way-out, the chairman senate, the civil society
and people of Pakistan had to play role in ensuring supremacy of Law
and the Parliament.
He said people would act when they felt sense of ownership, so
they should be given ownership in the Parliament and to achieve the
objective, there was need to move forward should to shoulder.
About the report unveiled about women Parliamentarian’s role
in the country’s socio-economic development, the chairman senate
said though its data sound impressive, but the country’s women’s
role in democratic process and socio-economic development was far
He said history was replete with excellent role of Pakistani
women who had to undergo imprisonment, laid down their lives and
worked tirelessly for betterment of downtrodden segment of the
He said these brilliant women broke taboos and raised voice
for the women’s emancipation and their empowerment.
He said Pakistan was the first country among the Muslim
countries to have installed woman as prime minister, similarly,
Balochistan Assembly had woman speaker while assemblies of Sindh and
KPK had also woman deputy speakers.
Other speakers Ziauddin, TDEA chairperson and Shahid Fiaz CEO
TDEA-FAFEN also highlighted the role of women in the country’s
socio-economic development of the country.
They said women actively took part in legislation, introducing
several bills, motions, resolutions and calling attention notices
on different issues which showed they did not speak only for women
rights, but they discussed other issues of the national interest as
Later, women parliamentarians were awarded shields in
recognition of their role in national development.