National News

Currency rates of NBP

  • Currency rates of NBP KARACHI, (MILLAT ONLINE):Following are the selling/buying rates of major currencies issued by the National Bank of Pakistan (NBP), here on Monday. U.S.A 111.50/ 108.87 S.ARABIA 29.58/ 27.84 U.K 151.22/ 147.65 JAPAN 0.9851/ 0.9614/ EURO 134.10/ 130.94 U.A.E 30.36/ 27.83

  • Indian police arrest Mukhtar Waza in IoK

    Indian police arrest Mukhtar Waza in IoK

    Indian police arrest Mukhtar Waza in IoK ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Indian police arrested the Jammu and Kashmir Peoples League (JKPL) Chairman, Mukhtar Ahmad Waza on Friday and lodged him at Sherbagh police station in Islamabad town. The police arrested him to prevent him from addressing public meetings in connection with Right to Self-Determination Day being observed […]

  • PM approves State Funeral for ex PAF chief Air Marshal Asghar Khan

    PM approves State Funeral for ex PAF chief Air Marshal Asghar Khan ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi approved the State Funeral for former Air Marshal Asghar Khan in recognition of his services to the nation, the PM Office announced Friday. He approved State Funeral “in recognition of patriotic services and great contribution in […]

  • Kashmiris pledge persistent struggle against Indian atrocities

    Kashmiris pledge persistent struggle against Indian atrocities ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The oppressed Kashmiris would continue their peaceful struggle against Indian atrocities in their occupied territory, pledged speakers of a Seminar organized by APHCJK here on Friday. Addressing the seminar various leaders said January 5, was the day of renewing pledge of winning freedom from Indian clutches. […]

  • Spot rates of cotton

    Spot rates of cotton KARACHI, (MILLAT ONLINE):Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) on Friday announced the following KCA Spot Rates for local dealing in Pak rupees for base grade 3 (three) staple length 1-1/16″ Micronaire value between 3.8 and 4.9 NCL. Rate Ex-Gin Up-country Spot Rates for Price Expenses Ex-Karachi 37.324 kgs 7,800 145 7,945 Equivalent 40 […]

  • Kerb currency

    Kerb currency market

    Kerb currency market KARACHI, (MILLAT ONLINE):Following were the Opening Rates of foreign currencies in kerb market issued by the Forex Association of Pakistan (FAP), here on Friday. F.C. LOW RATE HIGH RATE U.S $ (Inter Bank) 110.54 110.64 U.S $ (Cash Free Market) 111.10 111.40 SAUDIA RIYAL 29.40 29.70 UAE DIRHAM 30.10 30.40 EURO 132.70 […]