International News

London mayor kicks off ‘positive’ pro-EU campaign

  • LONDON, May 26, (APP/AFP) – London’s new mayor Mayor Sadiq Khan told AFP on Thursday he was pushing a “positive case” for staying in the EU rather than simply predicting doom if Britain votes out. He said a victory for Remain campaigners in the June 23 referendum would help boost workers’ rights, improve air quality […]

  • Trump would approve Keystone pipeline blocked by Obama

    WASHINGTON, May 26, (APP/AFP) – Donald Trump said Thursday that if he is elected US president he would support the Canadian Keystone oil pipeline project that was blocked by President Barack Obama on environmental grounds. Speaking just after he won enough primary delegates to seize the Republican nomination for the White House, Trump told reporters […]

  • Taliban violence will continue, despite new leadership: Obama

    ISE-SHIMA, Japon, (APP/AFP): The Taliban is unlikely to come to the table for peace talks with the government of Afghanistan “anytime soon”, despite the organisation’s new leadership, US President Barack Obama said Thursday. Obama told reporters in Ise-Shima, where he is meeting with other leaders of the Group of Seven, that he expected the extremist […]

  • Hiroshima trip will underscore ‘very real’ conflict risks: Obama

    ISE-SHIMA, Japan, (APP/AFP) – Barack Obama’s historic visit to Hiroshima will underline the dangers of warfare and the need to work towards peace, the US president said on the sidelines of the G7 in Japan, Thursday. “I want to once again underscore the very real risks that are out there and the sense of urgency […]

  • Tight security as Jewish pilgrimage starts in Tunisia

    DJERBA, Tunisia, (APP/AFP): An annual Jewish pilgrimage to Africa’s oldest synagogue got under way Wednesday in Tunisia where security forces were deployed heavily to ward off potential militants attacks. Small groups of pilgrims including families with children began arriving in the searing heat at the Ghriba synagogue on the island of Djerba in southern Tunisia […]

  • UN launches campaign to end illegal wildlife trade

    UNITED NATIONS, (APP): The United Nations has launched an unprecedented campaign against illegal trade in wildlife, warning that such trade is pushing species to the brink of extinction, robbing countries of their natural heritage and profiting international criminal networks. “Each year, thousands of wild animals are illegally killed, often by organized criminal networks motivated by […]