International News

Pakistan offers one of world’s best rates of investments – Consul General

  • CHICAGO, (APP): Pakistan, at the crossroads of Asia, offers an ideal destination for investments with one of world’s best rates of investments, a thriving middle class of 50 million people and a per capita income of nearly US$ 5000 per head if calculated in term of purchasing power as well as workforce aged under 30 […]

  • Obama begins summit with Gulf leaders

    RIYADH, (APP/AFP): US President Barack Obama met Gulf leaders in Saudi Arabia on Thursday to push for an intensified campaign against the Islamic State group, despite strains in Gulf ties with Washington. Making what is likely to be his final presidential visit to America’s historic allies, Obama posed for a summit photo with the six […]

  • N. Korea hails electoral ‘death sentence’ on South’s president

    SEOUL, (APP/AFP): North Korea on Thursday crowed over the recent shock electoral defeat of the South’s ruling party, calling it a political “death sentence” handed down on President Park Geun-Hye. Last week’s ballot saw Park’s conservative Saenuri Party lose its parliamentary majority for the first time in 16 years, as voters registered their dissatisfaction with […]

  • Trump, Clinton re-energized after big New York wins

    NEW YORK, (APP/AFP): Fresh from resounding wins in New York’s primaries, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump declared they were on the way to locking up their parties’ nominations, and turned Wednesday to the next critical round of presidential campaign contests. Tuesday’s election routs on their home turf re-set the presidential race, as Clinton […]

  • Pro-Russians set for comeback in EU hopeful Serbia

    BELGRADE, (APP/AFP): Ultra-nationalists hope to dent the success of Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic as Serbia votes on Sunday, calling on the Balkan country to embrace big brother Russia instead of the European Union. While pro-European Vucic is widely expected to retain power, pro-Russian forces are set to make a comeback in parliament after several years […]

  • German headache for Draghi as ECB meets

    FRANKFURT, (APP/AFP): An unusually public spat between European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi and German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble looks set to hang heavy over a key meeting of ECB policy makers Thursday. Six weeks after the ECB announced a new raft of measures aimed at pushing chronically weak inflation in the euro area back […]