International News

Brazil Supreme Court judge suspends Lula appointment

  • BRASMLIA, (APP/AFP): A Brazilian Supreme Court judge Friday blocked ex-president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva from becoming presidential chief of staff and sent the corruption case against him back to criminal court. The preliminary injunction, a heavy blow for embattled President Dilma Rousseff, applies until the full Supreme Court can rule on the legality of […]

  • Guatemalan conservation group denounces activist’s death

    GUATEMALA CITY, (APP/AFP): A Guatemalan conservation group on Friday lashed out against the killing of one of its leaders, weeks after the murder of a Honduran indigenous activist prompted an international outcry. Walter Mendez of the Association of Forest Communities of Peten (ACOFOP) — who campaigned against deforestation and hydroelectric projects in Guatemala’s northern Peten […]

  • Brazil Supreme Court judge suspends Lula’s cabinet appointment

    BRASMLIA, March 19, (APP/AFP): A Brazilian Supreme Court judge Friday blocked ex-president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva from becoming presidential chief of staff and sent the corruption case against him back to criminal court. The ruling by judge Gilmar Mendes, which can be appealed to the full high court, came after a flurry of court […]

  • Brazil pro-government demos draw 267,000 people: police

    RIO DE JANEIRO, March 19, (APP/AFP): Some 267,000 people took to the streets in Brazil Friday in a show of support for embattled President Dilma Rousseff, police said, substantially lower than the turnout estimate for anti-government protests Sunday. Organizers for their part said 1.2 million pro-government demonstrators had turned out. Protests calling for Rousseff’s ouster […]

  • British welfare minister resigns over disability cuts plan

    LONDON, March 19 (APP/AFP): Britain’s welfare minister Iain Duncan Smith resigned on Friday over planned reductions in welfare payments for people with disabilities unveiled by the finance minister this week. “Changes to benefits to the disabled and the context in which they’ve been made are a compromise too far,” he wrote in a letter following […]

  • EU, Turkey strike ‘historic’ deal to send back migrants

    BRUSSELS, March 19 (APP/AFP): Turkish and EU leaders on Friday agreed a “historic” deal for curbing the influx of migrants that has plunged Europe into its biggest refugee crisis since the end of World War II. Under the deal, all migrants arriving in Greece from Turkey as early as Sunday will be turned back. But […]