International News

IS lights smokescreen against regime raids in east Syria: monitor

  • BEIRUT, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – Fierce clashes gripped the eastern Syrian city of Deir Ezzor on Wednesday, a monitor said, as the Islamic State group set tyres ablaze to create a smokescreen from regime warplanes. An activist group publishing news on the besieged city told AFP that IS had executed 10 Syrian regime fighters captured during the […]

  • Ex-US president George H.W. Bush hospitalized: reports

    WASHINGTON, MILLAT+(APP/AFP) – Former US president George H.W. Bush has been hospitalized yet again in Houston, local media reported Wednesday. The 92-year-old, who has seen his share of recent health incidents, had fallen ill but was in stable condition and “doing fine,” his chief of staff Jean Becker told the Houston Chronicle. The former president […]

  • Japan’s spinning otter twirls its way to internet glory

    TOKYO, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – A zoo otter in Japan has spun its way to internet glory in a video that shows the animal locked in a dizzying twirl. The images, posted by the Fukuoka City Zoological Garden, show three-year-old male otter Genta spinning for 20 seconds while holding a rope in his mouth and dangling in […]

  • Tehran, Berlin ink transportation MoU

    TEHRAN,‌(MILLAT+APP/MNA) – A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Iran and Germany over expansion of cooperation in air, railway, maritime and road transportation. Iran’s Minister of Roads and Urban Development Abbas Ahmad Akhundi and the visiting German Federal Minister for Transport and Digital Infrastructure Alexander Dobrindt sealed the agreement in Tehran on Monday evening. […]

  • Philippine police murdered SKorean businessman: authorities

    MANILA, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – Philippine police kidnapped and murdered a South Korean businessman, then led his wife to believe he was alive for months to extort money from her, authorities said Wednesday. The killing is the latest in a long series of criminal acts by members of the Philippine police force, regarded as one of the […]

  • Citizens enjoy rainy weather with fried snacks

    ISLAMABAD, MILLAT+(APP): The citizens are enjoying rainy weather and using fried snacks especially Pakora, Samosas along with other traditional foods. According to a report aired by a private news channel, a large number of citizens are witnessed at various stalls of samosas and pakoras. “We ate pakoras in Ramazan but even then it is only […]