International News

US sanctions Russia over vote hacking

  • WASHINGTON, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – The United States on Thursday fired back at Moscow over its meddling in the presidential election, announcing a series of tough sanctions against intelligence agencies, expulsions of agents and shutting down of Russian compounds on US soil. Obama had all but accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of personally ordering an audacious cyber […]

  • Gambia president orders electoral commission reopened

    BANJUL, Gambia, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – The Gambia’s electoral commission building reopened on Thursday as the president said it had been shut for safety reasons rather than because of the country’s disputed presidential vote result. President Yahya Jammeh’s political party has lodged a legal complaint against the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) triggered in part by a vote […]

  • SEC probes Mozambique debt sold by Credit Suisse, BNP Paribas

    NEW YORK, MILLAT+(APP/AFP) – A US market regulator is probing the sale of $850 million in Mozambique government bonds used to purchase military equipment, which involved three major banks, according to a person with knowledge of the matter. The Securities and Exchange Commission is seeking information from investors on the 2013 bond issue which was […]

  • Ukraine reports first combat death since new truce

    KIEV, Ukraine,(MILLAT+APP/AFP) – Ukraine on Thursday reported its first combat death since Kiev agreed a new “indefinite” ceasefire deal with pro-Russian insurgents in the separatist east last week. The military said the soldier was killed in fighting on Wednesday in the village of Kurti Blaka — some 15 kilometres (nine miles) north of the militias’ […]

  • Turkish novelist on trial after four months behind bars

    ISTANBUL, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – One of Turkey’s most prominent contemporary novelists appeared in court for the first time on Thursday on charges of terror propaganda, in case that has caused an international outcry over freedom of expression in the country. Novelist Asli Erdogan has been held in jail for 132 days since her detention over her […]

  • ‘No explosion’ on board crashed Russian plane: military

    MOSCOW, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – There was no explosion on board the Syria-bound Russian military plane that crashed in the Black Sea at the weekend, but terrorism has not been ruled out as a possible cause, an official said Thursday. “There was no explosion on board, I can say that for certain,” said Sergei Bainetov, head of […]