International News

World’s oldest male panda dies: officials

  • BEIJING, MILLAT+(APP/AFP) – The world’s oldest male panda, with more than 130 descendants — a quarter of all the captive-bred pandas on the planet — has died aged 31, officials said. Giant pandas have a notoriously low reproductive rate, a key contributor — along with habitat loss — to their status as vulnerable on the […]

  • China white paper details goals for more efficient transport network

    BEIJING, (MILLAT+APP/Xinhua) — China aims to build a comprehensive transport system, with a faster, greener and safer network to offer more efficient services to the public by 2020, according to a white paper released on Thursday. The white paper, titled “Development of China’s Transport,” reviewed the sector’s tremendous changes in past decades and set goals […]

  • Trump issues fresh attack on UN

    PALM BEACH, United States, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – US President-elect Donald Trump launched a fresh salvo of accusations against the United Nations Wednesday, saying the world body had not lived up to its potential and failed to solve global problems. “The UN had such tremendous potential. (It is) not living up to its potential,” Trump told reporters […]

  • Floods in DR Congo kill at least 50: provincial governor

    KINSHASA, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – Floods triggered by heavy rains and a river bursting its banks have killed at least 50 people in the southwest Democratic Republic of Congo, a provincial governor told AFP on Thursday. “The rains on the night of Monday to Tuesday have caused at least 50 deaths,” Jacques Mbadu, governor of Kongo Central […]

  • S. Korea pension chief admits pushing Samsung deal in Park probe

    SEOUL, MILLAT+(APP/AFP) – South Korea’s National Pension Service chief admitted to pressuring the state-run fund to back a controversial merger of two Samsung units, prosecutors said Thursday during a widening probe into a corruption scandal engulfing impeached President Park Geun-Hye. Park is accused of colluding with long-time confidant Choi Soon-Sil to strong-arm companies like Samsung […]

  • Emirates agreement with Rolls-Royce on A380 engines

    DUBAI, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – Dubai’s Emirates said Thursday it has reached an agreement with Rolls-Royce over a “technical issue” relating to the engines of Airbus’s A380 superjumbo, and confirmed receiving one plane this week. The carrier also said it “will continue to receive deliveries of both A380s and (Boeing) 777s in 2017.” “Emirates can confirm that […]