International News

British, French ministers snub EU talks on Trump

  • BRUSSELS, Nov 13, (APP/AFP) – The British and French foreign ministers are to miss special talks with their EU counterparts on Sunday to discuss Donald Trump’s stunning US election win in a sign of divisions over how to deal with the new president. European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini summoned the ministers for dinner […]

  • Clinton blames FBI director Comey for loss: reports

    WASHINGTON, Nov 13, (APP/AFP) – Hillary Clinton on Saturday blamed FBI director James Comey for her loss in the US presidential race, claiming that re-opening the probe into her email use broke the momentum towards victory. Clinton told fundraisers and donors in a conference call that Comey’s two letters to Congress on the probe had […]

  • Trump credits social media with election win

    WASHINGTON, Nov 13, (APP/AFP) – President-elect Donald Trump credited his provocative use of Twitter and other social media with helping him win the US elections, saying it gave him a way of “fighting back.” In an interview that airs in full on Sunday on CBS’s “60 Minutes,” Trump said with some reluctance that he would […]

  • Trump and his aides plan next moves as protests spread

    NEW YORK, Nov 13, (APP/AFP): President-elect Donald Trump huddled with advisers inside his Manhattan residence Saturday, plotting his next moves as thousands of demonstrators besieged Trump Tower and marched through other US cities in a fourth day of protests. Trump appeared to be making some headway in forming a new administration, with campaign manager Kellyanne […]

  • Brave faces at climate talks despite Trump win

    MARRAKESH, Morocco, Nov 13, (APP/AFP) – The host of global climate talks insisted Saturday that Donald Trump’s election has not cast a cloud over the negotiations tasked with translating the landmark Paris climate pact into reality. Moroccan foreign minister Salaheddine Mezouar put on a brave face as the talks hit the half-way point, saying they […]

  • French PM says state of emergency likely to be extended

    LONDON, Nov 13, (APP/AFP) – French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said Sunday that the country’s state of emergency, imposed after last year’s Paris attacks, will likely be extended as France gears up for presidential elections. “It is difficult today to end the state of emergency,” Valls told BBC television as France marked exactly one year […]