International News

US military kills 2 Al-Shabaab militants in southern Somalia

  • US military kills 2 Al-Shabaab militants in southern Somalia MOGADISHU, (MILLAT ONLINE)::The United States military said Wednesday its special forces conducted an airstrike against Al-Shabaab terrorists in southern Somalia on Monday, killing two militants and wounding three others. The US Africa Command (Africom) said the airstrike which was conducted in cooperation with Somali government near […]

  • Climate change to force 143 million people to migrate internally: report

    Climate change to force 143 million people to migrate internally: report WASHINGTON, (MILLAT ONLINE)::Climate change will push tens of millions of people to migrate within their countries by 2050, said a latest report by the World Bank Group. The report, titled “Groundswell – Preparing for Internal Climate Migration,” projects that over 143 million people from […]

  • Trump trade war biggest risk to world economy: German experts

    Trump trade war biggest risk to world economy: German experts Frankfurt am Main, (MILLAT ONLINE):US President Donald Trump’s tariffs on steel and aluminium risk escalating into a threat to the international trading system, a highly-regarded group of German economists said Wednesday. “An escalation of the trade conflict would damage international value chains and in the […]

  • Suicide bomber kills 26 in Kabul attack: interior ministry

    Suicide bomber kills 26 in Kabul attack: interior ministry Kabul, (MILLAT ONLINE):A suicide bomber on Wednesday killed at least 26 people, many of them teenagers, in front of Kabul University, officials said, as Afghans took to the streets to celebrate the Persian new year holiday. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the deadly […]

  • Singapore passes terror attack blackout law

    Singapore passes terror attack blackout law Singapore, (MILLAT ONLINE):Singapore’s parliament Wednesday passed a controversial law giving authorities the power to block all electronic communications at the scene of a terror attack, despite protests it will erode media freedom. The law allows police to stop anyone within the vicinity of what they deem to be a […]

  • Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko will pay an official visit to Georgia

    Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko will pay an official visit to Georgia MINSK, (MILLAT ONLINE):Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko will pay an official visit to Georgia on 22-23 March, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader. The program of the visit includes official negotiations with Georgia President Giorgi Margvelashvili. The head of state will […]