International News

Myanmar president and Suu Kyi confidant Htin Kyaw resigns

  • Myanmar president and Suu Kyi confidant Htin Kyaw resigns Yangon, (MILLAT ONLINE):Myanmar’s President Htin Kyaw resigned suddenly on Wednesday leaving the country’s de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi without a close confidant and political ally as she faces rising international opprobrium over the Rakhine crisis. The president is an old school friend of Suu […]

  • Unseasonable snowfalls force road, school closures in southern S. Korea

    Unseasonable snowfalls force road, school closures in southern S. Korea DAEGU/BUSAN/GWANGJU, (MILLAT ONLINE):Unseasonable snowfalls forced temporary road and school closures in southern South Korea on Wednesday, with the city of Daegu receiving the biggest amount ever for late March since data collection began 111 years ago. According to the state weather agency, 3.3 centimeters of […]

  • N. Korea denies sanctions prompted diplomatic thaw

    N. Korea denies sanctions prompted diplomatic thaw Seoul, (MILLAT ONLINE):North Korea has broken its silence on the diplomatic thaw with Washington and Seoul, saying it is driving the “peace offensive” and rejecting suggestions that sanctions forced it to the negotiating table. The commentary from the state-run KCNA news agency came with a rapid rapprochement on […]

  • Russian FM threatens to ‘hit back’ at Britain over spy poisoning

    Russian FM threatens to ‘hit back’ at Britain over spy poisoning Tokyo, (MILLAT ONLINE):Russia’s foreign minister threatened Wednesday to retaliate against Britain for “anti-Russian measures”, with the two countries at loggerheads over the poisoning of a spy in southern England. Speaking after a meeting with Japanese counterpart Taro Kono, Lavrov said: “If the British government […]

  • UK firm

    UK firm in Facebook row suspends CEO amid fresh revelations

    UK firm in Facebook row suspends CEO amid fresh revelations London, (MILLAT ONLINE):Cambridge Analytica, the British firm at the centre of a major scandal rocking Facebook, suspended its chief executive Alexander Nix Tuesday, as he became embroiled in fresh controversy and lawmakers on both sides of the Atlantic demanded answers over the data breach. Recordings […]

  • UN peacekeepers could help prepare DR Congo vote: draft resolution

    UN peacekeepers could help prepare DR Congo vote: draft resolution United Nations, United States, (MILLAT ONLINE):The United Nations Security Council is considering a French-drafted resolution that would task peacekeepers in the Democratic Republic of Congo with helping to prepare credible elections. The draft text, a copy of which was obtained by AFP, would renew the […]