International News

Ruffalo calls Obama ‘immoral’ at climate rally

  • LOS ANGELES, Oct 24, (APP/AFP) – Hollywood star Mark Ruffalo accused US President Barack Obama on Sunday of hypocrisy for allowing fracking and other fossil fuel extraction while presenting himself as a green president. The Oscar-nominated “Spotlight” and “Avengers” actor spoke out at a rally in Los Angeles protesting against man-made climate change and, in […]

  • Greece defends decision to return Syrians to Turkey

    ATHENS, Oct 22, (APP/AFP) – The Greek authorities on Saturday hit back at UN criticism of its decision to return a group of Syrians to Turkey. The UN’s refugee agency, UNHCR, on Friday said in a statement it was “seriously concerned” by Greece’s decision to return 10 Syrian asylum seekers to Turkey, “without due consideration […]

  • Cameroon rail accident toll rises to at least 60

    YAOUNDI, Oct 22, (APP/AFP) – At least 60 were killed when a packed passenger train derailed between Cameroon’s two main cities, a hospital source in the capital Yaounde said Saturday, giving a new toll the day after the accident. Almost 600 people were injured when the train, travelling from Yaounde to the economic hub of […]

  • Fighting rages in Yemen despite truce

    ADEN, Oct 22, (APP/AFP) – Fierce gun battles erupted overnight between Yemeni rebels and pro-government forces along the border with Saudi Arabia despite a three-day ceasefire due to end late Saturday, military officials said. Warplanes from the coalition fighting in support of President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi also bombed suspected Huthi rebel missile launchers east of […]

  • Sulphur cloud from IS-torched Iraq plant kills two civilians: general

    QAYYARAH, Iraq, Oct 22, (APP/AFP) – Toxic fumes released when jihadists torched a sulphur plant near Mosul earlier this week have killed two Iraqi civilians and forced US troops at a nearby base to wear masks. “Daesh blew up the sulphur plant two days ago and that has led to the deaths of two people […]

  • Iraqi TV journalist killed south of Mosul: channel

    BAGHDAD, Oct 22, (APP/AFP) – An Iraqi cameraman was killed on Saturday covering a military offensive to wrest the city of Mosul back from the Islamic State group, his channel said. The young reporter was killed “covering the battle” near the village of Al-Shura, south of Mosul, Al Sumaria TV said in a short news […]