International News

US general says IS leaders abandoning Mosul

  • WASHINGTON, Oct 19 (APP/AFP): Islamic State group leaders have been fleeing Mosul as US-backed local forces close in on the extremists’ last Iraqi stronghold, a US general said Wednesday. US Army Major General Gary Volesky, who heads the land component command of the US-led coalition to defeat IS, predicted that foreign fighters will end up […]

  • Two Russians, one American blast off to ISS

    BAIKONUR, Kazakhstan, Oct 19, (APP/AFP) – Two Russian cosmonauts and a NASA astronaut soared into orbit in a Soyuz spacecraft Wednesday at the start of a two-day journey to the International Space Station. NASA’s Shane Kimbrough and Andrei Borisenko and Sergei Ryzhikov of Roscosmos blasted off at 0805 GMT from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan […]

  • Sri Lanka exhumes body of former army spy over murder

    COLOMBO, Oct 19, (APP/AFP) – Sri Lankan police Wednesday exhumed the body of a retired army spy whose supposed suicide note claimed responsibility for the 2009 murder of a prominent anti-establishment newspaper editor, a police officer said. The 52-year-old former military intelligence officer was found hanging at his home in central Sri Lanka five days […]

  • Indonesia ratifies Paris climate accord

    JAKARTA, Oct 19, (APP/AFP) – Indonesia, one of the world’s biggest greenhouse gas emitters, Wednesday ratified a landmark climate rescue pact but environmentalists expressed scepticism about the government’s plans to limit global warming. The country’s parliament agreed to endorse the Paris Agreement which was reached last December in the French capital, joining scores of other […]

  • Palestinian woman shot dead: police

    JERUSALEM, Oct 19, (APP/AFP) – A Palestinian woman approached Israeli border police with a knife in the northern West Bank on Wednesday and was shot dead by officers, police said. A police statement said the 19-year-old approached officers at the Tapuah junction, ignored orders to stop and pulled a knife. “At this point the officers […]

  • French police take to streets over anti-cop attacks

    PARIS, Oct 19, (APP/AFP) – Dozens of French police officers demonstrated Tuesday night in and around Paris and in the southern city of Marseille, the second wildcat protest in as many days over mounting attacks on officers. Around 400 off-duty officers demonstrated outside a police station in the suburb of Evry, near a town where […]