International News

Majority seek ouster of Norway minister, govt could fall

  • Majority seek ouster of Norway minister, govt could fall Oslo, (MILLAT ONLINE):Norway’s Christian Democrats on Monday refused to back a rightwing justice minister who had triggered outrage with a shocking Facebook post, a move that could end up toppling the minority government. The refusal means a majority in parliament are in favour of a vote […]

  • Report Trump campaign firm harvested Facebook data ‘horrifying’: EU

    Report Trump campaign firm harvested Facebook data ‘horrifying’: EU Brussels, (MILLAT ONLINE):The EU said reports that a firm hired by the Trump election campaign harvested the Facebook data of millions of users is “horrifying” and Europe must do everything to protect its own citizens. EU Justice Commissioner Vera Jourova said she would seek clarification from […]

  • EU’s top trade official in US Tuesday for Trump tariff talks

    EU’s top trade official in US Tuesday for Trump tariff talks Brussels, (MILLAT ONLINE):EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstroem will hold talks in Washington on Tuesday and Wednesday over a possible exemption on metals tariffs threatened by US President Donald Trump, a European source said. Malmstroem, the EU’s top trade official, will meet US Commerce Secretary […]

  • Bolivia battles Chile at UN’s top court for sea access

    Bolivia battles Chile at UN’s top court for sea access The Hague, (MILLAT ONLINE):Landlocked Bolivia took its neighbour Chile to court on Monday, seeking to resolve a century-old dispute over precious access to the Pacific Ocean which has bedevilled bilateral ties. La Paz is urging Santiago to return to talks, contending it has “an obligation […]

  • EU takes UK allegations on Russia spy ‘extremely seriously’: statement

    EU takes UK allegations on Russia spy ‘extremely seriously’: statement Brussels, (MILLAT ONLINE):EU foreign ministers on Monday strongly condemned the poisoning of a former Russian spy in Britain and said they took “extremely seriously” London’s assessment that Moscow is to blame for the attack. The 28 ministers meeting in Brussels voiced their “unqualified solidarity” with […]

  • UK Brexit committee suggests delay in leaving EU

    UK Brexit committee suggests delay in leaving EU LONDON, (MILLAT ONLINE)::Britain’s official departure from the European Union may have to be delayed with many key negotiating issues still to be resolved, Westminster’s Brexit committee suggested Monday. In a new report on the progress of negotiations, the Exiting the European Union Committee said there had been […]