International News

IS trapping civilians in Mosul, Pentagon says

  • WASHINGTON, Oct 18 (APP/AFP): The Pentagon Tuesday accused Islamic State extremists of barring civilians from leaving Mosul and using them as human shields, as President Barack Obama warned of the potential for “significant” displacement. Authorities and aid agencies are bracing for a massive flow of civilians fleeing the northern Iraqi city as the fight to […]

  • Two arrested over hand amputations in Mexico

    GUADALAJARA, Mexico, Oct 18 (APP/AFP): Two people were arrested in Mexico after police found six people with their hands cut off and another one dead on the side of a road, authorities said Tuesday. A gang left five men and a woman on a road in a suburb of Guadalajara in western Mexico on Monday […]

  • Eurotunnel says Channel rail passenger numbers fall 10%

    PARIS, Oct 19, (APP/AFP) – Eurotunnel, which manages the rail link under the Channel, said Wednesday that passenger numbers on the Eurostar dropped by 10 percent during the third quarter in which France was hit by a major attack. The number of passengers on the high speed rail link fell to 2.6 million during the […]

  • 20 dead in Pygmy/Bantu clashes in DR Congo’s Katanga

    LUBUMBASHI, DR Congo, Oct 18, (APP/AFP) – At least 20 people have been killed in three days of clashes between Pygmy and Bantu people in Kabalo, in southeast DR Congo, local MP Kalunga Mawazo told AFP on Tuesday. The fighting between Sunday and Tuesday was triggered by a dispute over the caterpillar harvest, a common […]

  • UN announces truce in new attempt to end Yemen war

    ADEN, Oct 18, (APP/AFP) – The United Nations has announced a new ceasefire in war-ravaged Yemen from early Thursday, after a week of escalated fighting sparked new international calls to end the conflict. While President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi’s government and its Saudi backers said they would support the truce, there has been no word from […]

  • Driverless taxi hits lorry in Singapore trial

    SINGAPORE, Oct 18 (APP/AFP): A car taking part in the world’s first public trial of driverless taxis was slightly damaged on Tuesday when it collided with a lorry in Singapore, its operator said. No one was hurt in the accident in One North, a suburban research campus where the vehicle has been on a limited […]