International News

Bulldozer driver killed in Indonesian gold mine plunge

  • TIMIKA, Indonesia, Oct 18, (APP/AFP) – A bulldozer driver whose machine plunged into a gold mine in Indonesia has died, the site’s US owner said Tuesday, the latest in a string of deaths at the pit. Police said the road the vehicle was travelling on had given way under its weight, sending the bulldozer tumbling […]

  • British annual inflation surges to 1.0% in September: data

    LONDON, Oct 18, (APP/AFP) – Britain’s annual inflation rate surged to 1.0 percent last month from 0.6 percent in August, official data showed Tuesday, but the statistics office urged caution over the slumping pound’s role. The Office for National Statistics said the jump was mainly owing to a significant increase in prices of women’s outerwear […]

  • UNESCO votes on Palestine resolutions opposed by Israel

    PARIS, Oct 18, (APP/AFP) – The UN cultural agency votes on two resolutions Tuesday on the occupied Palestinian territories. Israel has suspended its cooperation with Paris-based UNESCO, which oversees World Heritage sites, over the controversial resolutions which were proposed by Arab countries. It is not the first time UNESCO has been the scene of tensions. […]

  • Ukraine summit set for Wednesday in Berlin: Paris

    PARIS, Oct 18, (APP/AFP): Germany, France, Russia and Ukraine will hold a summit in Berlin on Wednesday to “evaluate the implementation” of the Minsk peace accords for Ukraine, the French presidency said. The summit, at the invitation of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, will also “discuss the next steps in the process towards ending the crisis […]

  • Germany, France, Russia, Ukraine summit in Berlin on Wednesday:

    Paris PARIS, Oct 18, (APP/AFP) – Germany, France, Russia and Ukraine will hold a summit in Berlin on Wednesday to “evaluate the implementation” of the Minsk peace accords for Ukraine, the French presidency said. The summit, at the invitation of Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel, will also “discuss the next steps in the process towards ending […]

  • Rich countries ‘confident’ of meeting climate finance pledge

    PARIS, Oct 18 (APP/AFP): Rich countries, which have pledged $100 billion (91 billion euros) every year from 2020 for poor countries to deal with climate change, said Monday they were “confident” of meeting the target. Pledges made in 2015 alone would boost public finance from $41 billion in 2013-14 to $67 billion in 2020, they […]