International News

N. Korea executes vice premier for education: Seoul

  • SEOUL, (APP/AFP): North Korea has put to death a vice premier and sent two other officials away for re-education, South Korea said Wednesday, following media reports of a high profile execution in the secretive state. “Vice premier for education Kim Yong-Jin was executed,” Seoul’s unification ministry spokesman Jeong Joon-Hee told reporters at a regular press […]

  • Obama cuts sentences of 111 inmates

    WASHINGTON,(APP/AFP) – President Barack Obama on Tuesday commuted the sentences of 111 drug offenders and other inmates, setting a record for such White House moves in a single month. The latest grants came on top of 214 early releases Obama agreed to earlier this month, for a total of 325 in August. Obama, whose second […]

  • Brazil senators inch toward Rousseff impeachment vote

    BRASMLIA, Aug 31 (APP/AFP): Brazilian senators engaged in marathon debate Tuesday on the eve of voting on whether to strip Dilma Rousseff of the presidency and end 13 years of leftist rule in Latin America’s biggest country. Lawyers on both sides of the impeachment trial dividing Brazil made impassioned closing arguments, followed by final speeches […]

  • Venezuela’s Maduro vows crackdown on protest violence

    CARACAS, (APP/AFP): Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro vowed Tuesday to jail opposition leaders if they incite violence at upcoming protests to pressure authorities to allow a referendum on removing him from power. Maduro, whose opponents blame him for a devastating economic crisis, accused opposition leaders of plotting a “terrorist coup” against him ahead of Thursday’s nationwide […]

  • UN Syria gas attacks probe lacks physical evidence: Syrian ambassador

    UNITED NATIONS, United States,(APP/AFP): Syria on Tuesday rejected the findings of a UN-led investigation that blamed President Bashar al-Assad’s forces for chlorine gas attacks, saying there was no physical evidence to support the conclusions. “These conclusions lack any physical evidence, whether by samples or attested medical reports that chlorine was used,” said Syrian Ambassador Bashar […]

  • Trump to visit Mexico Wednesday, meet its president

    WASHINGTON, (APP/AFP) – Donald Trump announced he will travel to Mexico on Wednesday to meet with the country’s president, just hours ahead of the Republican White House hopeful’s much-anticipated Arizona speech on immigration. “I have accepted the invitation of President Enrique Pena Nieto, of Mexico, and look very much forward to meeting him tomorrow,” Trump […]