International News

Protests as S. Korea opens ‘comfort women’ foundation

  • SEOUL, (APP/AFP) – South Korean protestors clashed with police on Thursday as they tried to disrupt the opening in Seoul of a Tokyo-funded foundation for women forced to work in Japanese wartime brothels. The plight of the so-called “comfort women” is a hugely emotional issue that has marred relations between Seoul and Japan for decades […]

  • Clinton joins Obama on convention stage

    PHILADELPHIA, (APP/AFP) – Democratic White House nominee Hillary Clinton surprised ecstatic delegates Wednesday by striding out onto the stage of her party’s national convention as President Barack Obama wrapped up his primetime speech. To the strains of Stevie Wonder’s “Signed, Sealed, Delivered,” Obama shared a warm embrace with his would-be successor, capping an all-star night […]

  • Bangladesh hunts escaped extremist as it probes IS links

    DHAKA, (APP/AFP): Bangladesh on Wednesday launched a hunt for the survivor of a police raid on an extremist hideout which killed nine suspected Islamists who claimed to belong to the Islamic State group. Investigators hope the escaped extremist and another man who was arrested during a major gunfight in Dhaka Tuesday will shed light on […]

  • France’s Barnier to lead Brexit talks

    BRUSSELS,(APP/AFP) – European Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker on Wednesday appointed veteran French politician and former EU commissioner Michel Barnier to lead the negotiations with Britain on its exit from the bloc. Britain’s June 23 vote to quit the 28-nation European Union shocked EU leaders who had bet on a vote to remain but they have […]

  • Indian Muslim women beaten for carrying beef

    NEW DELHI, (APP/AFP): Two Muslim women have been beaten up at a railway station in central India on suspicion of carrying beef, an offence in many parts of the Hindu-majority country, police said Wednesday. The meat the women were carrying has since turned out to be buffalo, but police in Madhya Pradesh state said they […]

  • Saudi condemns deadly attack on France church

    RIYADH, (APP/AFP) – Saudi Arabia on Wednesday condemned “in the strongest terms” the attack on a church in France that saw a priest killed by Islamic State group followers. “This cowardly terrorist act is rejected by Islam which necessitates protecting places of worship and prohibits violating their sacredness,” said the statement published on the official […]