International News

Indian air force says plane goes missing with 29 on board

  • NEW DELHI, (APP/AFP) – An Indian Air Force plane carrying 29 people went missing Friday on its way to Port Blair, capital of the Andaman and Nicobar islands, an air force spokesman told AFP. “A search operation is on. The plane was airborne at 8:30 am and was supposed to land at Port Blair at […]

  • Iran stops ‘terrorist infiltration’ from Turkey: state media

    TEHRAN, (APP/AFP) – Iranian forces have foiled a “terrorist” bid to infiltrate the country from Turkey, the official IRNA news agency said Friday, in the latest report of tension at its borders. The elite Revolutionary Guards (IRCG) intercepted on Thursday morning “a terrorist group trying to infiltrate the country using Iran’s border with Turkey,” IRNA […]

  • Five key moments in the Republican convention

    CLEVELAND, (APP/AFP) – A fractious Republican convention wrapped up Thursday with Donald Trump accepting the party’s White House nomination. Here are some key moments from the four-day gathering in Cleveland. – Floor fight – =============== When the convention was gaveled in on Monday, it didn’t take long for tensions over Donald Trump’s nomination to bubble […]

  • Trump promises ‘safety’ to fearful Americans

    CLEVELAND, (APP/AFP) – A triumphant Donald Trump accepted the Republican White House nomination Thursday, promising fearful Americans he would restore “safety” to a country mired in crises that had lost its way. Trump “humbly and gratefully” endorsed the Republican mantle before 2,000 raucous party activists in Cleveland, in a strikingly populist speech that offered a […]

  • Hollande urges Brexit talks ‘as soon as possible’

    DUBLIN,(APP/AFP): French President Francois Hollande on Thursday urged Britain to begin talks to leave the EU “as soon as possible” and ruled out granting access to the EU’s single market without access by EU workers to Britain. “The sooner these negotiations begin the better, and the shorter they are the better,” Hollande said after meeting […]

  • France to probe security failings in Nice attack

    PARIS, (APP/AFP): The French government Thursday announced a probe into security measures taken for the Bastille Day celebrations in Nice following accusations after the truck massacre that authorities had underestimated the extremists’ threat. A week after Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel ploughed a 19-tonne truck into a crowd, killing 84 people, five suspects arrested over links to […]