International News

Indiana’s Mike Pence has agreed to be Trump running mate: US networks

  • WASHINGTON, (APP/AFP) – Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has asked Indiana Governor Mike Pence to be his running mate, and Pence has agreed, US networks reported on Thursday. CNN and ABC both reported, without naming their sources, that Pence, a 57-year-old Christian evangelical and stalwart of the American right, had accepted the vice presidential slot. […]

  • Trump’s reported VP pick Pence: manners, political chops

    NEW YORK, (APP/AFP) – Indiana Governor Mike Pence, a Christian conservative widely reported to be Donald Trump’s pick for a running mate, would add precious experience in Washington politics — and a dose of good manners — to the ticket. Governor of the Midwest state since only January 2013, the 57-year-old is a lawyer by […]

  • N. Korea says arrests defector who worked as S.Korea agent

    PYONGYANG, (APP/AFP) – North Korea on Friday paraded a defector accused of involvement in a child abduction plot masterminded by South Korean agents. In a carefully stage-managed press conference in Pyongyang, Ko Hyon-Chol, 53, “confessed” to attempting to kidnap two North Korean girl orphans and bring them to the South.

  • British press rakes over PM’s ‘brutal’ Brexit reshuffle

    LONDON, July 15, (APP/AFP) – Britain’s newspapers on Friday said new Prime Minister Theresa May had shown steel in her ruthless axing of the cabinet’s “old guard”. Some dailies focused on her promotion of state-educated MPs and reflected on outgoing prime minister David Cameron’s new life outside office. “May’s radical reshuffle stuns the old guard”, […]

  • French record breakers stage longest picnic on longest table cloth

    LAVAL, France, July 14, (APP/AFP) – Thousands of people gathered in France Thursday to smash two records, for the world’s longest picnic and the world’s longest table cloth. The sun shone on the record breakers in Laval, north west France, as they unravelled their 20 kilometre-long (12 miles) red and white check table cloth alongside […]

  • Mauritanian journalist who threw shoe at minister jailed for 3 years: lawyers

    NOUAKCHOTT, July 14, (APP/AFP) – A Mauritanian journalist and opposition activist was on Thursday sentenced to three years in jail for throwing his shoe at a cabinet minister, lawyers and a judicial source told AFP. Cheikh Baye Ould Mohamed was found guilty of “violence against a public official in the exercise of his duties” following […]