International News

EU launches controversial internet privacy deal with US

  • BRUSSELS, (APP/AFP) – The European Union on Tuesday launched a controversial deal with the United States aimed at curbing government spying on the personal internet data of European citizens. EU Justice Commissioner Vera Jourova and US Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker presented the final version of the deal, which replaces one struck down last October by […]

  • US express concern over violence in Kashmir

    WASHINGTON, (APP): A spokesman of the US State Department on Monday expressed concerns over the violence in the Indian held Kashmir, where Indian troops killed about 30 Kashmiris who were protesting against the killing of a Kashmiri freedom fighter. The young Kashmiri freedom fighter Burhan Wani was killed in a shootout with police on Friday […]

  • Nauru leader Waqa re-elected

    WELLINGTON, (APP/AFP) – Nauru confirmed Tuesday that the Pacific island nation’s leader President Baron Waqa was among 13 lawmakers re-elected in weekend elections. The Nauru government said there were six newcomers in the 19-seat parliament, which is expected to sit later this week and reappoint Waqa for a second three-year term. Nauru, about 2,800 kilometres […]

  • ‘Putin tours’ retrace Russian leader’s life in Saint Petersburg

    SAINT PETERSBURG, (APP/AFP) – Rounding a corner in central Saint Petersburg with a group in tow, Georgy Rusanov stops in front of the grey building of the city’s oldest maternity hospital — the first attraction on his Vladimir Putin walking tour. “This is where Vladimir Putin was born on October 7, 1952,” he announces to […]

  • N. Korea keeping nuclear test site ready: US think tank

    SEOUL, (APP/AFP) – Satellite imagery indicates a high-level of activity at North Korea’s nuclear test site as the North seeks to keep the facility ready for a try-out at all times, a US think tank said Monday. The US-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University said satellite imagery from July 7 of the North’s Punggye-ri shows […]

  • Venezuela takes over Kimberly-Clark facilities: official

    CARACAS, (APP/AFP) – Venezuela’s embattled government said Monday it would take over operations at facilities where US consumer goods giant Kimberly-Clark just shut down, citing unworkable economic conditions. “We are going to be signing at the workers’ request… to authorize immediate occupation of the workplace known as Kimberly-Clark de Venezuela… by its workers,” Labor Minister […]